A "doserless" Super Jolly with the aftermarket mod stainless "chute" installed (by the previous owner.)
Some scuffs and scratches around the business end of things, and there's a spot of paint missing where the portafilter hits, but overall a very presentable Mazzer, with a new, full sized hopper. (A "small hopper" for the Mini Mazzer will fit the Jolly, and reduce the height a few inches available if "space"is a problem. They run about 35 bucks.)
The switch has been modded as "on/off" (not a timer switch) and the rather useless portafilter fork tossed.
We've cleaned (ugh!) tested, and installed a new set of burrs in this one. (The pic showing the burrs was taken before the new set.)
So clean, quiet and ready to go!
Putting this beast to work on your counter, will end your grinder inadequacy fears forever...
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